Monday, May 21, 2007

It's gonna be a GREAT day!

I mean, if the conversation I just had is any indication of how things will shape up.

At the magazine, stories are assigned to writers, editors, and top editors, and the flow of copy is reflected suchly and so-forthly. (Reporters gather the information and provide their backup to the writers, who produce the story and then send the text to their editors, who tinker and send it to the top editor, who does any final adjusting and question-asking, and then sends the story to copy for any and all grammarizing. [See, that's what happens when you're a copy editor: You invent words and pass them off as elite language. I is cool. Note the use of bracketization!])

So I was just about to send a story into the next round, but nowhere in the files did it indicate who had written, edited or top-edited it. I found out who edited it, so I called him to ask who else worked on it with him. But it didn't come out that way:

Me: So I understand you're working on this story.
Him: Yep.
Me: Did anybody top you? Or ... bottom you?
Him: [radio silence, until he started cracking up and I went to find the closest corner to hide in]
Me: Oh, god. I'm getting fired.

Why can't I just ask people if they know who wrote a story? Why must I fashion myself into the tooliest tool in the toolshed?

Ah well. May you all get topped and bottomed today. It's the only way to complete the process.

Also, speaking of inappropriate expressions of affection, I finally bought myself a laptop. A brand-new MacBook. I've never had a new computer before, and I must say, I caress it gingerly and stare at it with admiration, trust and longing. It's a little disturbing, but I can't help myself.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell me, o wise and thoughtful marlagarla...why did rosie leave the view? the real reason. not the b.s. press release version.

1:57 PM  
Blogger Marla said...

Would YOU want to work with Elisabeth Hasselbeck? If she were my coworker, she'd totally be the one everyone would talk about when we go out for drinks on Wednesday nights.

Anyway, I don't have any actual answers, but in any case, methinks Rosie had enough, didn't want to go back to work (the way one doesn't want to go back to work after a bad review), and didn't. Three more weeks on her contract were nothing for her, and with the ratings she brought to an entirely average (or below average, cuz BORING) show, she knew she'd get whatever she wants. Me also thinks both women handled the entire thing equally crappily. But ultimately, if you don't need the job, why subject yourself to that stress every day? I think the klassy thing to do would have been to finish out her contract and show up for work no worse for wear, despite how pissed she was about the split screen, but the whole debacle was sub-klass from start to finish.

Or something.

I'm now upset I actually have an opinion on the matter. When did that happen?

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

elizabeth hasselback stinks and i think barbar walters is full of piss and bullhonkey.

10:37 AM  

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