Whatcha gonna do with that tassel?
Yes, yes, I know, long time blogless. I apologize for my absence and neglect. But see, this is what we did last weekend:

So, preoccupied.
Really, I'm not sure what's more surreal than seeing your spouse wear a cap and gown. It's a little bizarre and a lot hot, and there just aren't words to express how unbelievably proud of Josh I am. What he accomplished under all the crazy circumstances thrown his way, all the hurdles he hurdled and papers he papered and red tape that got stuck to his fingers and he eventually pried off with Goo Gone (because, honestly, tape is sometimes awfully hard to work with — let's just admit this now) ... it was exhilarating. But that's not a good enough word. Here, I'll make one up:
Good news is always paired with bad news, and I regret to inform you that just after Josh graduated, just as we were about to take another inappropriately zoomed photo, my camera died a horrible, violent death. The love that I have for my camera required me to ascribe human qualities to it, and now I look at it sitting forlornly on the coffee table, angry and unused, and I feel that I've failed it. I am a terrible mother. So sad. I actually took pictures of it with the Photo Booth feature on my new MacBook, to memorialize it as I prepare to send it off to the mothership (that's Canon, which brilliantly is sending me an upgraded camera in exchange for my fermished one; huzzah, customer loyalty program!). So I finally downloaded all the pictures I've taken since March, and aren't you lucky, I'm going to be sharing them with you.
But not now. Right now I must discuss smart things with the graduate.
But not before I titillate you with the danger that is Photo Booth:

So, preoccupied.
Really, I'm not sure what's more surreal than seeing your spouse wear a cap and gown. It's a little bizarre and a lot hot, and there just aren't words to express how unbelievably proud of Josh I am. What he accomplished under all the crazy circumstances thrown his way, all the hurdles he hurdled and papers he papered and red tape that got stuck to his fingers and he eventually pried off with Goo Gone (because, honestly, tape is sometimes awfully hard to work with — let's just admit this now) ... it was exhilarating. But that's not a good enough word. Here, I'll make one up:
Good news is always paired with bad news, and I regret to inform you that just after Josh graduated, just as we were about to take another inappropriately zoomed photo, my camera died a horrible, violent death. The love that I have for my camera required me to ascribe human qualities to it, and now I look at it sitting forlornly on the coffee table, angry and unused, and I feel that I've failed it. I am a terrible mother. So sad. I actually took pictures of it with the Photo Booth feature on my new MacBook, to memorialize it as I prepare to send it off to the mothership (that's Canon, which brilliantly is sending me an upgraded camera in exchange for my fermished one; huzzah, customer loyalty program!). So I finally downloaded all the pictures I've taken since March, and aren't you lucky, I'm going to be sharing them with you.
But not now. Right now I must discuss smart things with the graduate.
But not before I titillate you with the danger that is Photo Booth:

You are very friendly looking. You look like you'd be a nice person.
You look like you like to hug people.
Well, thank you. That's very nice of you to say.
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