Blowing bubbles
In a shining example of how it takes me forever to do certain things, herewith, photos from my I Heart NY walk. It's just that uploading pictures is so time-consuming, and my time is so VALUABLE. See, after I do this, I'm going to watch one of the greatest natural-disaster reenactments of all time, "Krakatoa: Volcano of Destruction," and then, er, I'm gonna save the world and, um, build a playground and, uh, take a nap. Very important.
Or not.
My I Heart NY day was, for lack of a better word, silvery. It wasn't hazy or really grey or not-bright. It was just silver outside.
Outside the front of the Museum of Natural History

I'm not sure when the whole ornamental cabbage thing caught on, but if you're going to go that route (I hear they're low-maintenance), the only reasonable option is purple.

Central Park

This couple of, to my ears, indeterminate European accent had been taking pictures of a bridge you've all seen in hundreds of photos. They stopped underneath this overlook, put down their cameras and just took in the scene. They were more picturesque than the bridge.

Two men walking underneath this structure said the dead vines wrapped around the posts were wisteria.

If you click on this photo, you can see a man in the gazebo with a book — absolutely the greatest reading spot in the city. I think this whole scene was the most beautiful thing I saw all day.

Wollman Rink

I thought this design was really interesting. Probably because it looks like a stone vagina.

As I mentioned, the Bergdorf Goodman holiday windows are my absolute favorites. No twirling puppies, no musical presents, no cherubic babies giggling with yuletide glee. Not that those things aren't nice, and I certainly go to Saks and Lord & Taylor to see those things in their windows, but these are just really, really funky. The artistry is incredible. And the clothes are outstanding.

You go to this window for the wig, but it's really all about the gorilla.

The only way I could put myself into one of these things ...

The New York Public Library

The Union Square holiday market

Last Saturday, after five months (well, after two months, then putting it down for ten, then picking it back up again for three), I finished this:

So I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. In the past week, I've read three magazines and two more books. The second book, which I finished this morning, was a selection of short stories called THE GUY NOT TAKEN by Jennifer Weiner, who is one of my very favorite authors. But the first book I read after finishing WAR & PEACE was this:

I believe with every fiber of my being that, immediately after finishing Tolstoy, the first book one reads should have a picture of a girl blowing bubbles on the cover.
Oh, and it was 223 pages. I read it in four and a half hours. Bliss.
Or not.
My I Heart NY day was, for lack of a better word, silvery. It wasn't hazy or really grey or not-bright. It was just silver outside.
Outside the front of the Museum of Natural History

I'm not sure when the whole ornamental cabbage thing caught on, but if you're going to go that route (I hear they're low-maintenance), the only reasonable option is purple.

Central Park

This couple of, to my ears, indeterminate European accent had been taking pictures of a bridge you've all seen in hundreds of photos. They stopped underneath this overlook, put down their cameras and just took in the scene. They were more picturesque than the bridge.

Two men walking underneath this structure said the dead vines wrapped around the posts were wisteria.

If you click on this photo, you can see a man in the gazebo with a book — absolutely the greatest reading spot in the city. I think this whole scene was the most beautiful thing I saw all day.

Wollman Rink

I thought this design was really interesting. Probably because it looks like a stone vagina.

As I mentioned, the Bergdorf Goodman holiday windows are my absolute favorites. No twirling puppies, no musical presents, no cherubic babies giggling with yuletide glee. Not that those things aren't nice, and I certainly go to Saks and Lord & Taylor to see those things in their windows, but these are just really, really funky. The artistry is incredible. And the clothes are outstanding.

You go to this window for the wig, but it's really all about the gorilla.

The only way I could put myself into one of these things ...

The New York Public Library

The Union Square holiday market

Last Saturday, after five months (well, after two months, then putting it down for ten, then picking it back up again for three), I finished this:

So I feel like I have a lot of catching up to do. In the past week, I've read three magazines and two more books. The second book, which I finished this morning, was a selection of short stories called THE GUY NOT TAKEN by Jennifer Weiner, who is one of my very favorite authors. But the first book I read after finishing WAR & PEACE was this:

I believe with every fiber of my being that, immediately after finishing Tolstoy, the first book one reads should have a picture of a girl blowing bubbles on the cover.
Oh, and it was 223 pages. I read it in four and a half hours. Bliss.
Labels: dirty, New York, photos, pop culture
Congrats on finishing a Tolstoy book. I've been stuck at the halfway point of Anna Karenina for about eight years, and that book's only about a third the size of WAP.
Nice pictures. My favorite is the mannequin with the red wig & accompanying ape. She's totally hot.
Did you click on the picture for a closer look? Her eyelashes are INSANE. The beading on the outfit is stunning. And the gorilla is mosaic! I would like it for my apartment, please.
Mollie, good call on the band name! I also think Hit Count would be a good band name, but it would totally backfire if the band sucked.
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